Meet Our Ant Family and Watch a Haul-out Video!

Land life continues.  Mel is learning to relax around the ants.   The EU has apparently banned borax, so she can’t make or find any ant traps.  So she is trying to find some Zen about them.  She recites her mantra: “I am one with the ants.  The ants are my family.  Hello, Maria, Laura, Elena, Raquel, Anna, Celia, Gloria, Sonia, Paula, Marta, Angela, Eva, Clara, Claudia, Tania, Rosa, Aurora, Carmen, Johana, Christina, Sandra, Alicia, Daniella, Lucia, and Skylar.  Here is a tiny piece of cat kibble shoved into the corner.  Enjoy.”

Mel is quite pleased that the sewage smell coming from their bathroom and washing machine was considered to be abnormal, and currently plumbers are poking around their apartment building, sniffing and thinking.  So it should be only a couple more weeks before the smell is gone!  Next problem to tackle: the animal scratching noise that shows up at night in Tommy’s wall…

Mel is starting to enjoy her daily walks down the hills of Puerto Rico to the Europa Shopping Center.  She finds it fascinating to watch the elderly Scandinavian tourists bare their pale legs and complain about the heat in the 60-degree weather.

Things are slowly happening with the boat, although one of our estimates predicts repairs lasting until February 29.   This sounds like forever from now.  This means that the blog won’t be able to serve its usual function of giving our shivering friends back home some pictures of warm tropical scenery and tales of exciting mishaps during the cold winter months.  Oh, who am I kidding?  Minnesota is cold until June.  We’ll be back in time, my friends!  Plenty of future mishaps to be had!

Here is a video Mel made of Marvin’s haulout.  The crew that did it were careful and professional, so it should go as well when they put Marvin back in!  Mel has taken plenty of pics of the damage from the fish farm, but she is going to show you those once everything has been repaired.  They are too depressing for her to look at right now.


February 29.  Sheeesh…. Mel is going to make an Advent-type calendar, have someone put surprises in it, and open one window every day until then.  Just think: every day a surprise like chocolate…the ants are going to love it!  Especially Skylar.


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